Building space in the texts of Ali Al-Abadi ((proposed designs))


  • Ali Hussain Sahib College of Fine Arts -University of Babylon
  • prof. Haidar Jawad Kadhum College of Fine Arts -University of Babylon



dramatic space, Ali Al-Abadi, scenography, design


The following research dealt with the construction of space for the writer and director Ali Al-Abadi in his theatrical texts, where the researchers created proposed designs for these texts in the third chapter by choosing the research sample and analyzing it with new proposed designs for these.

In the first chapter, the researchers dealt with the research problem, its aim, its limits, and the definitions of space and construction.

In the second chapter, he divided it into three sections. The first section dealt with the types of theatrical spaces, while the second section revolved around the elements of building space, which are mass, color, shape, texture, movement, and cover, while in the third section, he talked about the life of the writer, his works, his characteristics, and what is going on about him.

As for the third chapter, the research dealt with the research community and the research community.

Finally, the fourth chapter of the research dealt with the results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals.



How to Cite

الباحث علي حسين صاحب and أ. د. حيدر جواد كاظم, “Building space in the texts of Ali Al-Abadi ((proposed designs))”, مِراس, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 239–266, Oct. 2023.


